Needlework Designer/Teacher

Gay Ann Rogers

Updated January 19,  2025

© Gay Ann Rogers,   2008 -–2025

This website and all of its pages are subject to U.S. copyright laws and are the intellectual property of Gay Ann Rogers.

Do not reproduce, copy or redistribute any aspect of this website, without the written permission of

Gay Ann Rogers.

Above is the map of how far Queendom Website has traveled,  

nice for MacSoph and me, but doubly nice because it shows that needlework is indeed alive and well right round the world.

My World of Needlework

The New Year has arrived and I have plans for 2025.

As I try and finish my overwhelming project (I predict it will take me a total of four more months, I plan to see if I can convince you to work along with me.

A Reminder

If you are new to my designs, please read about my instructions and the reason I package them the way I do.

Scroll down to lower yellow navigation bar and click on


Tally Day 150 for my Queen

To Contact Me:

Click Here

DEADLINE for reporting mistakes in my October EWEEK ended at midnight

December 31, 2024

The time to report my mistakes has now come and gone.  The time expired at midnight on December 31.

Happy to report all corrections are in the mail.

Wait Lists? I am Waiting for Kreinik braid.  I am guessing it will be mid to late February but I should know more in a few days. Words were murmured about 6-8 weeks.

I shall see.



I know I sold a ton of kits and patterns last October. I know now that they are in your hands. So what is to become of them?

Are they destined for the closet or do you plan to work on them? Why don't you pick the biggest most detailed project you own of mine and pledge to work along with me.


Decide on a minimum amount of time for the day to count and start a TALLY of the days you complete your time limit.  You could be like me and pledge 2 hours for the day to count in your TALLY but you could also make your TALLY count if you stitch for 20 minutes.

I have been building my TALLY since last July 14, 2024 when I began my Queen. I pledged to work 2 hours for a day to count in my TALLY and as of today my TALLY is 150 days.

See News & Views for my latest stitching travails.


Come and join my Stitchalong Room and post your ideas and updates there. It may help you and others. I know it willl help me.


Plans for Queendom Website This Year

Repairs to October Kits:

All packages with repairs are on their way to people.

I sent them first class, so will probably take 5 or 6 days to reach those even close to me.

For those of you missing beads: I have two or sometimes more sets of those beads and pearls, I don't know which were in your kits, so I sent you all new ones that match.

Thankfully for my supplies this didn't occur too often.

Want to know how I am currently whiling away

my hours, see

News& Views

Updates on WAIT LISTS from my October Sale

I should find out more about the expected arrival of Kreinik braid sometime in the coming week.

I have been warned it may take considerable time (as if considerable time may not have already passed -- such is life).

I made a decision to put off making kits until February. I know I promised kits in January and I don't like to say I have a delay but currently it is out of my hands.

I have another reason also: I am on the cusp of finishing my monstrously long project; I'm guessing I will finish it just about the time my Kreink braid arrives.

This is Day 150 for My Tally of My Queen

I have spent 150 days working at least 2 hours a day on my Queen. I would guess I have spent 400+ hours because many days like today, I have spent all day.

Yesterday was a disaster and I spent about 6 hours ripping -- I stitched, didn't like it, ripped CAREFULLY and tried again. Didn't like it any better and ripped again.

I set it aside and by this morning, I had a good idea what was wrong. I clicked my heels together and celebrated:

FAIR WEATHER SHIP is in place.

On with my day.