Needlework Designer/Teacher

Gay Ann Rogers

Golden Gate Bridge: complete kit  for stitching the heart:

instructions, canvas, threads.

The kit does not include finishing instructions or finishing supplies.

Price: $73.00 includes shipping and insurance.

Statue of Liberty complete kit  for stitching the heart:

instructions, canvas, threads.

The kit does not include finishing instructions or finishing supplies.

Price: $74.00 includes shipping and insurance.

Please Read Carefully!

I will mail the heart kits in two waves:

The first wave: I will mail before or on July 23, 2021;

The second wave: I will mail before or on August 27, 2021.

There is every chance I will finish shipping earlier, but I wish to build in enough time for stress-free shipping.

Golden Gate Bridge


Statue of Liberty


Statue of Libery Heart

When I started stitching this heart, I wasn't sure I could do a tiny Statue of Liberty, but I kept working at it and here she is, with New York in the background.

The heart is about 4.5" wide and tall on a piece of 8" x 8" white congress cloth.

The kit includes six colors of Soie d'Alger and two colors of Planet Earth silk. The instructions are 23 pages long, plus a title page and a color copy of the finished heart.

The kit does not include finishing instructions or supplies. I always send my hearts to a professional finisher.

Golden Gate Bridge Heart

My San Francisco Heart is about 4.5" wide and tall on an 8" x 8" piece of white congress cloth. As you can see, the design is densely stitching.

The kit includes six colors of Planet Earth silk and one floss plus an 8" x 8" piece of white congress cloth. The instructions are 17 pages long and a four-page color appendix mapping out compensation details, plus a title page and a color copy of the finished heart.

The kit does not include finishing instructions or supplies. I always send my hearts to a professional finisher.

This Sunday Sale: Two New Hearts

Both Hearts are new, never been sold before, and they are the

beginnings of a new series.  Scroll down for descriptions.


July 11, 2021.

My World of Needlework

This sale differed from the earlier three because the hearts were new, ie I had never offered them before.

I was saving them for EWeek, my big sale in October but realized, the days when I can pack and ship 800 kits and patterns is past.

These Sunday Sales were a trial, a way to see if I could lessen the shipping burden by spreading out the work over a greater time.