Gay Ann Rogers  Needlework

Christmas 2021 Cameos

The Twelve Days of Christmas

12th Day of Christmas,

Two Cameos

and my Treasured Remembrance.

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Toni's Treasured Remembrance Sampler has been on my website for several days.

Now below is my own.

Is that my Grandmother's Cameo on my Treasured Remembrance? Answer 'no'. I traveled with Treasured Remembrance for so long and I was afraid I might lose or break my Grandmother's, so one day I bought this one and she's been on my sampler ever since.

So how many cameos do I have? Too embarrassed to tell you. Some time ago Carolyn who is so disciplined suggested that I get them all out, keep half and sell half.

So I pulled out the boxes and agonized. It didn't work. I still have them all. I couldn't bear to part with any of them.

I have idiosyncratic cameo taste. I have three or four of the very wonderful Victorian ones, but I love style (as you will see) from 'between the wars' and most of mine are 1920's and 1930's, as are the two in the photo above.

For a while I got hooked on the small ones from the 1950's dime stores. I was absolutely amazed that dime stores sold delicate hand-carved little cameos for a couple of dollars. I have one set in its original dime store box.

In the end I made six or seven more projects for cameos and they are still hanging around here. I even made Cameo Collector, a little bell-pull design with five cameos on it.

For those of you who remember my Cameo Days and still have one of my cameo projects stashed somewhere, why don't you get it out and finish it? Send me a photo and I will post it.

The Twelve Days of Christmas

12th Day: Two Cameos

A number of years ago I had the idea to make a sampler to display my grandmother's cameo and I stitched Treasured Remembrance Sampler.

Toni's Threasured Remembrance started my thinking about it.

My life was entwined with cameos and of course I turned into a cameo collector. Sigh...

For the 12th Day of Christmas here are two of my favorite cameos.