Needlework Designer/Teacher

Gay Ann Rogers

Updated July 25, 2024

© Gay Ann Rogers,   2008 -–2024

This website and all of its pages are subject to U.S. copyright laws and are the intellectual property of Gay Ann Rogers.

Do not reproduce, copy or redistribute any aspect of this website, without the written permission of

Gay Ann Rogers.

Above is the map of how far Queendom Website has traveled,  

nice for MacSoph and me, but doubly nice because it shows that needlework is indeed alive and well right round the world.

My World of Needlework

It is summertime on Queendom Website. This means time to stitch!

PATRIOTICA Annex: coming soon. I have written to Wait List people and am waiting to hear from them.

A Reminder

If you are new to my designs, please read about my instructions and the reason I package them the way I do.

Scroll down to lower yellow navigation bar and click on


If you are new to my instructions, click on the link below and read why I put them together the way I do.

Click here for My ECS/SBA Story


now is definitely the time to email me.

Patriotica Annex Sale August 9

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

Patriotic Sale

Deadline for

reporting mistakes

August 8, 2024

Please Check Your Packages

To find Patriotica Sale click on ECS and Susan B. Sampler or click on PATRIOTIC SALE on the yellow navigation bar.

Then click on any photo and you will travel easily to the project.

Check your instructions to make sure you have all pages and all the supplies. Please report any mistakes before August 8, 2024.

For those of you on my Wait List for Patriotic Designs:

I have emailed each of you this morning. Please confirm on or before July 28.

Thank you to many of you who wrote me right away! Today I am devoting most of my day to kitting. It will likely take me several days.

Echoes News

For months I have promised Echoes to those of you on a Wait List. I am happy to tell you that I have finished making kits, but with one hiccup.

I totally forgot to phone about Kreinik braid. I WILL remember to do so today.

Patriotic Sale

Deadline for

reporting mistakes

August 8, 2024