Needlework Designer/Teacher

Gay Ann Rogers

Updated October 21,  2024

© Gay Ann Rogers,   2008 -–2024

This website and all of its pages are subject to U.S. copyright laws and are the intellectual property of Gay Ann Rogers.

Do not reproduce, copy or redistribute any aspect of this website, without the written permission of

Gay Ann Rogers.

Above is the map of how far Queendom Website has traveled,  

nice for MacSoph and me, but doubly nice because it shows that needlework is indeed alive and well right round the world.

October 21, 2024,  3 days to go

To Contact Me:

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Small Santa Fe Square will be in My Sale on Oct 24

I have so many new people that I decided I should comb through my files for a small pattern to introduce my designs to newbies.

I chose this one, a little 5" design on 18 mesh canvas. It has a special history for me. The elements I used go way way back almost 40+ years when I made my first geometric. Years later, I made this smaller quicker edition and here it is, called SMALL SANTA FE SQUARE.

It will be in my sale on October 24, Instructions pnly. It is quick and fun to do and will work well for using stash. I give you a list of my threads and colors, but almost any combinations will work.

If a design sells out and you would like to be on a WAIT LIST


My World of Needlework

A short time to go now:

my sale opens on Oct 24

Special Event on Oct 26

TIME: 8:00 a.m. CA time

A Reminder

If you are new to my designs, please read about my instructions and the reason I package them the way I do.

Scroll down to lower yellow navigation bar and click on


Dressing Henry

Dressing Henry is a densely stitched sampler of layers of different patterns with collars (necklaces) of beads and pearls. It is the only time I have stitched bands of Turkeywork Ermine and likely the only time. The two interwoven Celtic designs, adapted from a famous Holbein painting took me hours to graph, but once graphed was surprisingly easy to stitch.

Here is my grand new piece for my sale, Dressing Henry, a sampler of patterns for dressing Henry VIII. Please notice I have decapitated him, only fitting, don't you think. A little rewriting history.

On the upper right of my sampler are the White Rose of the Yorks and the Red Rose of the Lancasters, and on the upper left, the Tudor Rose uniting of the two.

The instructions are 53 pages long, with 16 Oversize Graphs. I have a good number of kits but the number is not unending.

This morning in News and Views: first hint of a new feature for Saturday Oct. 26.

Henry and Anne Snuggled Tog

Interested in following along as I mount EWeek 2024, see News&Views

Henry and Anne snuggled together in a Sudberry 'Laura' Box with a 6" opening.

All the Smalls for Henry and Anne

After 488 years I have united Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn once again, this time in front of and then inside a sewing box. Notice, nary a head in sight.