Gay Ann Rogers  Needlework

Christmas 2021 Enamel

Ninth Day of Christmas

Four little pincushions with black etched designs dying

to become blackwork on a sampler.

3rd Day Extraordinary Scissors

Here is an unusual photo, unusual because of its content for below you will see three centuries of very fine scissors.

On the left, scissors from the 18th century,

Center, from the 19th century.

Right: contemporary.

Scroll down for descriptions of the scissors and a bit of a treat.

Stocking Stuffer on a Budget

Three Centuries of Scissors

Above left: 18th century scissors, iron inlaid with gold. Look carefully and you will see that the shanks of the scissors are actually legs, with boots on top of the rings.

These scissors probably date from the 1760's and although a size for needlework, were likely general purpose scissors. It wasn't until the 19th century that items were made in quantity for specific purposes.

Above center: 19th century scissors, likely from the 1850's, the handles and the sheath on these scissors are of 15 ct gold. I don't know what the green stones are.

You can tell by their thin straight blades and their size (3.5") that these are indeed needlework scissors.  English, made by Rodgers. Good name, poor spelling

Above right: beautiful beautifull quality hand-made contemporary scissors made by Jean Marie Roulot of Nogent, long a distinquished place for scissors.

I have a pair of these and for pennies under $10.00 including shipping, they are surprisingly decorative.

Click on the button below and you will travel to the listing on eBay.

I don't have a financial interest in these scissors., unless you count that I bought a pair and liked t them.

Click here to travel to eBay listing for these scissors

Above are rare and beautiful collectors' scissors, so do I use them? Noo, I just look at them. I do use the scissots on the left, but most often I use these below.. I have so many scissors it is embarrassing, all the more so because I so often use a Bohin seam ripper....

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